Friday, May 16, 2014

The fundamental truth about the framework architecture of automated testing

There's a lot of different ways you can build frameworks for automated testing.
The way that I'm going to suggest is a way that I've found by trying and prove it.
It's a way you can always evolve over time and a lot of people are using similar ways to this one.
This is a fundamental truth about the framework architecture of automated testing.
I highly recommend that you at least follow very closely to this approach .

Let's think about an example of Making Coffee, so you can understand what level of the API we are shooting for our automated testing framework.

This is a very important concept! A lot of people miss this and end up writing fragile tests because of not using a framework.

Everybody knows how to make coffee.
There's a couple of different ways you can make coffee.

The Low Level Approach

1. You get the coffee beans
2. You grind your beans in a grinder
3. You heat up some water
4. You put a filter inside of your cup with the coffee beans you ground before
5. You put some hot water into that filter and then what comes out is coffee

Quite a few steps here, because it's a very low level

The High Level Approach

1. You get a capsule of coffee
2. You insert the capsule into your coffee machine
3. You press a button and what comes out of your machine is coffee

Still a lot of steps here, but definitely fewer steps than the low level approach.

This is actually the level we want to write tests at. And the reason why we want to do this it's because:

  • We want them to be very simple to write.
  • We want them to be very maintainable 
  • We want the framework to handle all the low level details
Because you don't want your tests to be complicated. You want them to be as simple as possible so they are easy to maintain, easy to understand and they don't require programmers to build them.

This is one of the key things that will determine the success of you automation framework.

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